Laura (Laurie) Chiappe
History Rocks!
Classes: History, Social Science Electives
Vendor for all local charter schools.
email: Lchiappe@comcast.net
phone/text: 916.293.8060
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com
Mrs. Chiappe, an attorney by trade, left the practice of law in 1998 and became a middle school history teacher. She taught in a private K-8 Bay Area school until her family relocated to El Dorado Hills in 2012, where she began the HISTORY Rocks! small group history enrichment program for homeschool families.
Mrs. Chiappe holds a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Political Science (including all course work necessary for a Single Subject History Teaching Credential) and a post graduate Juris Doctor Degree. She also is a member of the California State Bar and has an ACSI Teaching Certification.
Here’s what parents and students have to say about Mrs. Chiappe:
I wanted to let you know how much my son is enjoying your class! It's so great to hear him excited about any school related activity which hasn't happened for awhile. Thank you for your encouragement and support.
- Allison, 8th grade mom
My daughter absolutely loves your classes. Thank you for all the enthusiasm you bring to your teaching your classes. - Rosalina, 8th grade mom
"Mrs. Chiappe said, 'We need to know where we've BEEN, to know where we ARE, to know where we're GOING.' This proves just how smart she is!" - Josephine, 10th grade
Thank you for being the best teacher I have ever had. I appreciate your time. You're a teacher that never gets mad. - Josh, 6th grade
​Thanks for fun and interactive classes. Because of you, I now LOVE maps!!! - Luke, 9th grade
​Mrs. Chiappe always challenged me to think, even when I though I didn't know how.- Talia, 8th grade