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Foothill Learning



It is an honor and a privilege to partner with you in your student’s education. Foothill Learning Academy is a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit public benefit corporation. Our mission is to support parent participation in education by organizing enrichment/tutoring classes for homeschool and charter school students. To provide the best possible learning environment for our students, FLA has implemented the policies found in our Parent/Student Handbook.


During the registration process, you will affirm that you have read and agree to the terms of Foothill Learning Academy's Parent/Student Handbook. Please click the button to the left to read the complete handbook. Below you will find quick information to common topics.


Student Supervision - Volunteer Requirement
Foothill Learning Academy is not a school and does not provide staff for student supervision. To ensure students are adequately supervised outside of the classroom, parents are required to volunteer for one 3-hour shift during each enrolled semester.  Parent volunteers work in pairs to provide supervision when students are outside of the classroom, at lunch, on break, or in the hallways. Parents are welcome to bring younger siblings with them during their volunteer shift. 


If you are unable to volunteer, you can have a friend or family member volunteer for you. If this is not possible, a $40 per family opt-out fee is required to pay another parent to provide supervision and cover cost of admin. The opt-out fee increases to $50 after the first day of classes, and "no-shows" for scheduled volunteer shifts will also be charged $50.

Charter School approved vendors provide classroom supervision. Parents who leave campus are consenting to, and accepting, parent volunteer supervision of their student outside of the classroom.


Mandatory Registration Fee

$50 per student/$100 max per family


Pre-payment of class fees is not required, therefore to ensure that only committed students reserve class seats, we have implemented a small registration fee. This fee, collected each semester during the registration process, is applied towards administration & facilities costs. 


If a student drops from the program, the registration fee is non-refundable. However, if a class is cancelled or closed, the registration fee will be returned.  Students enrolled solely in Friday Seminars are not required to pay the registration fee. Class change requests do not incur an additional registration fee. 


Policies & Procedures

  • Parents will drop off and pick up their students on time. Late arrivals are disruptive to the learning environment of all students. If a student is consistently picked up late, a supervision fee may be charged.

  • Cell phones, handheld video games, iPads, and other internet-connected devices may not be used by students while at FLA unless necessary for class participation and only while under vendor supervision. If a student needs to use their cell phone to contact a parent, they may do so under the supervision of a vendor.

  • Students may not eat in the building with the exception of rainy days and teacher-provided in-classroom snacks. Parents must disclose any allergies on the FLA Emergency Form.

  • Students may not play on the playground or play basketball in the parking lot after enrichment classes end.

  • FLA vendors may photograph students during class time. These photos may be posted online for parent/student viewing. Students’ names and locations will NEVER be shared or posted. If you do not wish to have your child photographed, please let the vendor know immediately.

  • All FLA students will appear in the Foothill Learning Academy Yearbook produced by FLA students.


Parental Permission and Waiver/Release of Liability for Enrichment Program

During the registration process, you will affirm that you agree to the terms and conditions of Foothill Learning Academy's Waiver/Release of Liability. Please review the document through the button on the top left of this page.



Academy Policies 

To request more information:

Contact a Learning Center Director

​Laurie Chiappe

phone/text: 408.472.6155


Mary Frederick

phone/text: 916.990.3494

You can also send us an email by filling out the form below: 

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