Each K-3 class, taught by caring and nurturing teachers, contains fun-filled activities
and hands-on learning projects designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and learning.
Literature and Art
Grades K-1
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
In this class, we will read a lot of quality literature from well-loved children’s authors. The students will do crafts related to the books that we read that day in class. By the end of 12 weeks, your child will bring home a “scrapbook” full of the adorable arts/crafts he/she made in class.
Teacher: Lisa Trepepi
email: eetrepepi@yahoo.com
phone: 661-373-4896
K-1 Language Arts
Grades K-1
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Students will participate in a variety of language arts activities designed to foster creative thinking, oral expression, and growth in basic reading, writing, and sight words. This semester the books we will be incorporating into our curriculum are Pout Pout Fish, Knuffle Bunny, and The Mixed up Chameleon. We will also work on short vowel sounds in reading. My curriculum changes every semester, so students can take my classes for two years without repeating.
Teacher: Christina (Cris) Bollengier
email: crisbollengier@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.833.1124
Let's Read Together: American History
Grades K-3, 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
We will travel through History with a Read-aLoud "living book", discuss the book, look behind and ahead in the timeline of history. We will make a visual, ongoing History timeline and write in Narration notebooks each week.
Teacher: Jaime Layton
email: philandjaime@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-306-0786
Literature: Once Upon A Snack Time
Grades 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Childrens’ literature is so fun but what makes it even better is taking time to create the foods in our favorite stories. Each week we’ll read a new book and learn to make its corresponding food or dessert such as Stone Soup, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, Dragons Love Tacos and many others.
Teacher: Dawn Setters
email: mycurriculumconnections@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.730.8057
Fun With Phonics
Grades K-1
$185 per semester
Teacher: Dawn Setters
email: mycurriculumconnections@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.730.8057
Tea and Poetry
Grades 2-3
$185 per semester
Pairing caffeine-free tea with all types of poems throughout the year we’re going to get a little fancy in here this semester. We’ll learn a bit about the authors of poems, read poems aloud as a class with an added bonus of reading their individual poems aloud, analyze some kid-friendly poems and identify the elements of poetry, such as rhyme, rhythm, imagery, ect. Plus of course, write poems using different forms and techniques each class.
Teacher: Leslie Johnson, Rock on Little Birdie
email: Rockonlittlebirdie@gmail.com
phone/text: 707.301.9983
K-1 Fun with Math
Grades K-1
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Students will engage in hands-on activities that develop, enrich, and expand basic math skills, including beginning math facts, measurement, calendars, patterns, graphing, telling time, and problem solving. Each class time will include whole group activities and instruction, as well as divided group activities and instruction according to grade and ability level. My curriculum changes every semester, so students can take my classes for two years without repeating.
Teacher: Christina (Cris) Bollengier
email: crisbollengier@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.833.1124
Math: Number Ninja
Grades K-1, 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Learning about numbers is an important skill for children of all ages to understand. In this class we will explore by using number rhymes and songs, number toys and puzzles, counting fingers and toes and other things in our world, incorporating numbers into daily life, reading number books, using printables, teaching the order, names, and symbols of numbers, as well as explaining the meaning and relationships of numbers. We’ll add, subtract, multiply, and divide at age-appropriate levels to become experts in using numbers.
Teacher: Leslie Johnson, Rock on Little Birdie
email: Rockonlittlebirdie@gmail.com
phone/text: 707.301.9983
Science: All Bugged Out!
Grades K-1, 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Insects are the largest animal group in the world. If you love creepy crawlies, this is the class for you. Even if you don’t this class will show you that bugs are very important to our world and not all of them are as bad as we sometimes think. Kids will
be able to better distinguish and identify the differences between types of bugs and identify important characteristics of each kind. Come explore insect life cycles, their anatomy, and how they help our human world.
Teacher: Leslie Johnson, Rock on Little Birdie
email: Rockonlittlebirdie@gmail.com
phone/text: 707.301.9983
K-1 Science
Grades K-1
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Young minds need active learning. Using our senses we will explore the world of science. This spring we will dive into fun and interesting topics including the Earth’s four seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) and force and motion (push/pull, gravity, speed, and magnets). Classes will be taught with a hands-on approach consisting of different activities that illustrate the lesson. My curriculum changes every semester, so students can take my classes for two years without repeating.
Teacher: Christina (Cris) Bollengier
email: crisbollengier@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.833.1124
Science: Botany
Grades K-1 / 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
We will learn all about plants together. We will dive into botanical topics such as flowers, trees, seeds, fungi, the anatomy of an apple, etc. While learning about these topics, we will read quality literature, watch short informative videos, and do crafts/experiments that go with the topic. At the end of 12 weeks, your child will come home with his/her very own “scrapbook” with all the crafts or experiments that were done in class.
Teacher: Lisa Trepepi
email: eetrepepi@yahoo.com
phone: 661-373-4896
S.T.E.M. Little Engineers
Grades K-1, 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
If your child learns by doing, then this STEM class is for them! We will combine science, technology, engineering, and math to investigate challenges using a variety of materials. This class will encourage students to think independently, and as a group explore, discover, manipulate, and experiment while developing their critical thinking skills. My classes change every semester so students can take my classes for all four years (K-3) without repeating.
Teacher: Christina (Cris) Bollengier
email: crisbollengier@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.833.1124
Young Green Thumbs: Springtime Garden Explorers
Grades K-3
$205 per semester (1 voucher)
Join us for an exciting and hands-on 12-week gardening class designed for young learners in K-3. This semester, students will explore the wonders of the garden while learning about plants, trees, pollinators, and vegetables through stories, crafts, and activities. From planting seeds to understanding plant parts, this course is perfect for engaging curious minds in the world of gardening.
Through interactive lessons and fun projects, students will:
- Learn about the life cycle of plants and their different parts
- Plant seeds and watch them grow over the semester
- Explore seed dispersal, roots, stems, and pollinators
- Participate in hands-on crafts, games, and scavenger hunts
- Grow Swiss chard, peas, cucumbers, and pumpkins in small pots
- Design seed bomb packets
- Plant marigold and other nectar-rich flowers to attract pollinators
Topics Covered:
- The life cycle of plants, including how seeds grow into plants
- Seed dispersal methods and how plants spread their seeds
- The role of roots, stems, and leaves in plant growth
- The importance of trees and their environmental impact
- Creating a pollinator garden and understanding the role of bees and butterflies
- Vegetable gardening basics, from planting seeds to harvesting crops
Teacher: Alicia DeVore
email: www.createmygarden.net
phone: 562-587-4563
Around the World: Beginning Geography
Grades K-1
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
This semester we will be traveling Around the World to the continents of South America, North America, and Europe. Each week we will visit a different country through a read-aloud, lesson and journal time. We will discuss cultures and customs of the country.
Teacher: Annalee Layton
email: annaleejoy2004@gmail.com
phone: (530) 614-0079
People Who Changed the World
Grades K-1, 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
My list is very long, as there are so many great people to learn about that have had an impact on how we live today. World leaders, explorers, civil rights heroes, artists, entrepreneurs, scientists and inventors have changed the course of history. We will look
at different people to find out how they did what they did and why. It’s not just enough to be famous, but rather one has to have had significance in our world. Who will inspire you?
Teacher: Leslie Johnson, Rock on Little Birdie
email: Rockonlittlebirdie@gmail.com
phone/text: 707.301.9983
Social Studies: A Trip Across the World
Grades K-1 / 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
We will “travel” across the world together and “visit” 12 famous landmarks in different countries. As we stop at each destination, we will learn about which continent and country it is in. We will also learn about the history or significance of each landmark by reading books and/or watching short videos. Then we’ll fill out a “travel scrapbook,” writing down things we learn and doing crafts related to the landmark. At the end of 12 weeks, your child will bring home his/her travel scrapbook home and share with you all the things they learned on their trip across the world.
Teacher: Lisa Trepepi
email: eetrepepi@yahoo.com
phone: 661-373-4896
Frontier Fun: Early America
Grades K-1, 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
There are so many wonderful and interesting people who helped to discover and establish settlements in our country. To truly appreciate their stories we will learn about their adventures and what life was like for them. We will not only read fun anecdotes but reenact some of those ways of living ourselves. Students will learn what it was like to be in a classroom and practice writing their name on a slate just like Laura Ingalls, to plant appleseeds like Johnny, pan for gold like the minors, churn butter, make wooden toys, learn about the different rules and chores children their own age had to follow like darning socks and much more.
Teacher: Dawn Setters
email: mycurriculumconnections@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.730.8057
Art Exploration
Grades 2-3
$205 per semester
New lessons for spring semester! Explore a wide variety of fun subjects to draw and paint while learning the fundamentals of fine art techniques. Shading, texture, line, paint handling, and color mixing will be taught through animal, flower, landscape, portrait, and other art project topics. The artwork will be complete with a wide variety of media including graphite, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, and pastels. Holiday themed art lessons will also be part of this semester long course. A new art project will be created every week or two.
Teacher: Jennifer Rowe
email: jenniferrowestudio@gmail.com
phone: 916.212.3282
website: jenniferrowestudio.com
Art Discovery
Grades K-1
$205 per semester
All New Lessons! Discover the joy of drawing and painting with a variety of art materials in this class specifically designed for k-1. The emphasis will be on exploration and process with very gentle introductions of drawing and painting techniques for this age range. Color, shape, line, and texture will be explored through various fun art projects.
Teacher: Jennifer Rowe
email: jenniferrowestudio@gmail.com
phone: 916.212.3282
website: jenniferrowestudio.com
Becoming an Artist
Grades K-3
$185 per semester
The students learn about 4 different famous artists per semester, their unique style of art, their mediums and how to approach art in their own way. They would make projects that simulate famous pieces , then create their own interpretation of them.
Teacher: Dawn Setters
email: mycurriculumconnections@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.730.8057
PE Fitness and Games
Grades K-3
$180 per semester
P.E. Games and Fitness is a fun class that will include a variety of exercises that will strengthen and condition your child, using their own body weight. Also this class will incorporate interactive games which will encourage team work and cooperation. This will be a great way to get your child moving and developing motor skills, coordination, balance, and team work.
Teacher: Sara Schneider
email: saraschnei@sbcglobal.net
phone: 530.417.3230
website: http://ba-lates.com
Jr. Musical Theater
Grades K-3
$210 per semester
Become a part of a musical theater production! Each child will have a chance to participate as we rehearse and produce a Broadway Musical Kids production. Every week children learn their parts. We practice stage presence, singing, and dancing. Simple costumes and props will be necessary. Some provided and some sourced from participants. On the last day of class we perform our 30 minute musical, Elf Jr., for parents and some of our K-3 FLA students. Two to three extra rehearsals and a performance outside of assigned class time are required for this class.
Teacher: Rachel Wattson
email: rachelwattsonfit@gmail.com
phone: 760-716-2793
Beginning Piano
Grades K-3
$190 per semester (one voucher)
Students with no experience playing the piano are welcomed to join this class and learn the basics of how to read sheet music and enjoy playing the piano. A method book and the cost of maintaining the equipment is included in the class fee.
Teacher: Jon Holowaty
email: musicteacherjon@gmail.com
phone/text: 605-576-2427
Website: mtj-studio.com
Grades 3-8
$190 per semester (1 Voucher)
This class gives students the opportunity to sing together, develop their singing skills, and learn to read music. Students will learn a number of songs in an SATB format ideally (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) depending on the size and competency of the group.
Teacher: Jon Holowaty
email: musicteacherjon@gmail.com
phone/text: 605-576-2427
Website: mtj-studio.com
Grades K-1, 2-3
$190 per semester (one voucher)
Students with no experience playing the ukulele are welcomed to join this class and learn the basics of how to strum, read chord charts, and enjoy playing this wonderful instrument. A method book is provided which is included in the price of the class.
PLEASE NOTE: Students are expected to bring their own ukuleles to class each week.
Teacher: Jon Holowaty
email: musicteacherjon@gmail.com
phone/text: 605-576-2427
Website: mtj-studio.com
Lil' Patriots: American Music Adventure
Grades K-3
$190 per semester (one voucher)
Embark on a rhythmic journey through time in this dynamic music class designed for young explorers eager to discover the rich tapestry of American music. This class offers students a unique opportunity to traverse the vast musical landscape of the United States, from the early melodies of colonial America to the diverse sounds that define our modern streets.
Through interactive lessons, live performances, and creative projects, students will dive into the historical contexts that shaped various music genres, including folk, blues, jazz, rock 'n' roll, hip-hop, and more. They'll learn how each style reflects the social, cultural, and political climates of its time, contributing to the ongoing story of America.
Teacher: Jon Holowaty
email: musicteacherjon@gmail.com
phone/text: 605-576-2427
Website: mtj-studio.com
American Sign Language (ASL)
Grades 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
Students will begin to learn the basics of American Sign Language and Deaf Culture. They will learn basic communication skills through ABC's/ fingerspelling, numbers, ASL word order, sentence types, and verbs. We will play fun games and activities to help remember vocabulary. Class fee includes a $5 materials fee.
Teacher: Jaime Layton
email: philandjaime@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-306-0786
Bible: Good News Club
Classe for grades K-3, K-2, and 3-5
Each week the teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from Child Evangelism Fellowship Press. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.
This is a non-secular class, taught from a Christian world view, involving prayer.
Teacher: Good News Club® is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship
email: messages2mary@att.net
phone/text: 916.990.3494
Beginning Hand Sewing
Grades 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
Have fun and learn to sew by hand! Sewing helps improve fine motor skills and focus. At the same time, students are able to create fun projects to take home. Students will learn basic hand stitches, how to thread a needle, cutting fabric, tying knots, how to sew on buttons and snaps, and adding embellishments like ribbon and lace. We will start with the most basic of skills, and advance step-by-step throughout the semester with fun and creative sewing projects.
Teacher: Jaime Layton
email: philandjaime@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-306-0786
Beginning Hand Sewing
Grades 1-2, 2-3
$195 per semester (1 voucher)
Have fun learning to sew by hand! Sewing helps improve fine motor skills and focus. Students are able to follow pre-made patterns and projects they will take home. Students will learn basic hand stitches, how to thread a needle, cutting fabric, tying knots, how to sew on buttons and snaps, and adding embellishments like ribbon and lace. We will start with the most basic of skills, and advance step-by-step throughout the semester with fun and creative sewing projects. No previous knowledge needed.
Teacher: Jaime Layton
email: philandjaime@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-306-0786
Computer Basics and Typing
Grades 3-6, 4-6
$ 250 per semester (one voucher)
Students learn basic computer skills like using a mouse, using a web browser, understanding the file system, knowing hotkeys, and word processing with Google Docs. Students also learn touch typing at their own pace through online lessons, with individualized instructor guidance. An outline of the class can be found on our website:
Most of the semester will be mastering typing skills, which is self-paced, so students can work at their grade level with help from the instructor and teaching assistants.
The class will have about a 6-to-1 student-instructor ratio to ensure that all students can get individualized help and guidance. Laptops provided for in-class use.
Teacher: Mr. Code's Wild Ride
email: kellerdb@gmail.com
phone/text:(916) 439-0991
website: www.mrcodeswildride.com
Garden Explorers: Unearthing the Wonders of Nature and Science
Grades K-3
$185 per semester
Dive into a world where young explorers can uncover the mysteries of nature through gardens and life science! "Little Green Thumbs: A Science Adventure in Gardening" is specifically designed for curious minds. This class offers an engaging, hands-on journey exploring the life cycle of plants, the critical role of biodiversity, and the fundamentals of eco-friendly gardening. Our interactive lessons, experiments, and creative projects are designed to nurture a profound appreciation for the beauty and science found in gardens, sparking curiosity, and creativity.
What Your Child Will Learn:
Hands-On Learning: Engage in practical activities like planting seeds and constructing mini-compost bins for a truly immersive experience.
Science Experiments: Perform straightforward, safe experiments to uncover the scientific principles that underpin plant growth and health.
Creative Projects: Encourage a love for nature and self-expression through art, crafts, and garden design, blending creativity with ecological awareness.
Outdoor Adventures: Seize the opportunity to learn outside the classroom with activities designed to observe, explore, and connect with the natural environment.
Join us as we get our hands dirty and our hearts full on this exciting journey through the captivating world of plants and gardening. We look forward to welcoming your child into our garden classroom!
Teacher: Alicia DeVore
email: www.createmygarden.net
phone: 562-587-4563
Little Kid's Kitchen
Grades K-3
$200 per semester
Welcome to Little Kids Kitchen!
In this course students will be introduced to the kitchen and all the fun that they can have in it, while learning safety and fun recipes. This semester we are going to cook and eat our way through Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. Students will learn and help create magical recipes that we will then enjoy together in class. Some of the restaurants we will be visiting this semester include Jolly Holiday, Bengal Barbecue, Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta, Oga’s Cantina, Little Red Wagon and more. So be our guest, and we hope to see you there! Please be aware that this class is not tailored for households with food allergies and dietary restrictions.
Teacher: Kelley Ayres
email: kidskitchenfla@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-417-1013
Food Around the World
Grades K-3
$200 per semester
This semester we will be taking a trip around the world (without ever leaving the classroom)! We will be visiting six different countries and learning all about their culture, language and food. Some of the countries we will be visiting are France, India, Kenya and more. We will spend two weeks in each country exploring, learning about the countries culture and eating their cuisine. Please be aware that this class is not tailored for households with food allergies and dietary restrictions.
Teacher: Kelley Ayres
email: kidskitchenfla@gmail.com
phone/text: 530-417-1013
LEGO Engineering
Grades K-3, 2-3
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
Does hands-on building and creating sound like fun? Then come join us and learn STEM concepts through building fun projects. We will use LEGO® parts and motors, and sometimes supplement them with common items such as string, paper, crayons, etc. Explore your creative boundaries, and connect your projects to real-world physics and engineering concepts, while guided by an experienced instructor. We do different projects each semester!
Project discussion/demonstration: 5-10 minutes
Design/Build/Experiment: 30-40 minutes
Review/Wrap-up: 5 minutes
Clean up: 5 minutes
Teacher: Lynda Weiss
email: lynda.weiss@lyndaweiss.net
phone/text: 916.390.6530